March 27, 2010

Psychological Influences on the Buying Decision Process

Psychological influences help determine people's behavior and influence their behavior as consumers. Most of the psychological influences are internal, but they can be affected by social forces externally. The most common psychological influences are perception, motives, learning, attitudes, personality and self-concept, and lifestyle.

Perception is the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting information inputs to determine meaning. Our information inputs are the sensations we experience through sight, taste, hearing, smelling and touch. Marketers use advertisements, smells and touch to encourage consumers to buy or use there product or service. For example, when you walk by a restaurant and smell the food cooking, if it smells good, you will be more influenced to go eat at that restaurant. Westin hotels are using certain fragrances that evoke serenity and tranquility in there lobbies to attract guests. Because of selective exposure, which is the inputs we select or ignore, an individuals current set of needs affects there decisions. Many fast food restaurants are there commercials around dinner time, to encourage customers with that need of hunger. Another way of using selective exposure, is when bars hold beer specials on the weekends, because that is the time that most people will be going out and drinking.

Motive is an internal energizing force that orients peoples activities towards satisfying needs or achieving goals. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs humans strive to satisfy there physiological, safety, social, esteem and self actualization needs. These needs influence are motives every day. Motives can be different depending on the time of the day. Most people have motives for cup of coffee in the morning rather than before bed. Other motives a person may have are price, location or customer service at a particular store.

learning refers to changes in a persons thought processes and behavior caused by information and experience. When buyer's purchase a product, they have certain experience with it. After this experience they can learn whether they like this product and will buy it again, or whether they dislike it. For example, the new commercials that Domino's has out, show what people are saying about there pizza and how they don't like certain parts of it and wouldn't eat there again. Fortunately Domino's has changed there pizza but that is just an example as to how people have reactions of certain products.

An attitude is an individuals enduring evaluation of, feelings about, and behavioral tendencies toward an object or idea. attitudes play a very important role for a company. When consumers have a bad attitude about a company they tend to not use the product, and through word of mouth can influence others attitudes towards a company. For many company's, doing surveys and research on consumers attitudes will help them improve there products, customer service and gain more customers for them.

As we grow up and try new things, we learn and develop attitudes and perceptions of different products. Company's can change your perceptions though by using colors, scents, sounds and feelings to enhance our inputs and change our attitudes.

What is an attitude you have towards a store or product? Have you ever noticed your perception being changed on purpose through certain sight or smell?

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