March 8, 2010

AMA Statement & John Smith

John Smith is faced with a difficult dilemma. In my opinion I think although it is not ethical John would be better off selling the names of the people he surveyed. So many people are surveyed about different things every day that the people whose names got sold probably wouldn't even know that it happened. Also it would help his company and the 75 employees who work there. If he did not sell the names, he would ultimately have to lay people off, which would cause many family's economic hardship because they are the sole "breadwinners" in there family. In order to keep his company running successfully and the employees that he has stay there, it makes sense to sell the surveyed names for $8,000.

In terms of the AMA statement of ethics, It stresses honesty, responsibility, fairness, respect, transparency and citizenship. If John sells the names to the car company he is going against many of these terms and breaking ethics.

Unless he tells all of the surveyed people that he will be selling there names to a car company than he is not being honest. According to the AMA you must strive to be honest in all situations, and he definitely would not be being honest. Responsibility is a little different though. If he does sell the names then he is being responsible in terms of his company and trying to keep it going and not lay people off. To me that is responsible when he is helping his employees.

All in all, I believe that if John sells the names of the surveyed people he and his company will benefit, but in doing so he will be breaking ethical standards.

If you were in John's position, how much money would they have to offer for you to sell the names?

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