February 23, 2010

E-marketing and Direct Mail

Question: What are some of the benefits of direct mail compared to electronic means of marketing?

There are many advantages and disadvantages of both direct mail and electronic mail. With direct mail, companies spend a lot more money, such as Alicia Settle at Per Annum Inc. who spent $20,000 on signed letters. Also many people stopped responding to the mail after it was sent electronically. This could be because people were not checking there e-mail or it got deleted or stuck in the junk mail folder. Also it is very important in America now a days to be "going green" so when many companies choose not to send direct mail, they are following along with the trend which may make them more favored by some people. Many companies also have the option to choose whether or not you want direct mail or e-mail. When I get my electric and cable bills in the mail they also send another letter in the package which encourages me to enroll in e-mail and online bill pay programs. This is a smart chose for these companies because it is nice to be able to choose which kind of mail you will receive.

Do you think e-marketing techniques will replace traditional forms of marketing (direct mail, phone calls, newspaper ads/promotions)?

I believe that eventually almost all mail will be e-mailed or be delivered via some sort of electronics. No longer do people generally get phone calls marketing things because there are laws such as the "no call list" that many people have signed up for to avoid phone calls. Also many households do not even have landlines any more and use cell phones as there primary phone, making companies unable to reach them through the phone. I have noticed within the last couple years that many companies market through text messages. If you sign up for there magazines such as at a shopping store or voluntarily give them your number, they will text you with the different promotions and offers that are coming up in there store.

I also like the idea of using scanners, like an app on a cell phone so that if you see something you like in a magazine or anywhere you can scan it and find out where to get that item. I think this is a good idea to promote products because when people see them in magazines it is sometimes hard to find that item somewhere else.

Would you use a scanner to purchase products and find them if you saw them in a magazine? How much would you be willing to spend on a product such as this? Do you think it would be easier to use a scanner of some sort or to just use a search engine online?

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